Research Grants
- Heteromolecular Interface Design for Better Multiferroic Molecular Spintronics NSF, amount: $486,234 CoPI. Time commitment: 07/01/20 to 06/30/23.
- MRI: Acquisition of an Atomic Force Microscopy-Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) System for Multidisciplinary Research and Education, NSF, amount: $498,952 CoPI. Time commitment: 09/01/20 to 08/30/23.
- Molecular Spintronics: Building the better Molecular Multiferroic from the Interface Outwards, NSF, amount: $184,616, CoPI. Time commitment: 07/01/19 to 06/30/20.
- Spin and Dipole Ordering at Molecular Film Interfaces, NSF, amount: $442,944, CoPI. Time commitment: 09/01/16 to 08/31/19.
- Imposing stronger constraints at the submicron range on hypothetical long-range order forces, NSF, amount: $391,095, CoPI. Time commitment: 07/01/16 to 06/30/19.